Sunday, February 27, 2005


Dear God,

Yesterday when my good friend told me she's pregnant, I was immediately (and without second thought) overjoyed for them. I broke out into a grin and gave her a hug. Please, please, please let me never lose that immediate reaction of happiness for another person's good news.

With love,
- R.B.

PS: Thank you for the little temp rise today. Perhaps tomorrow and Tuesday can stay up and this will be the real thing? You know how I hate drugs.

At 3:33 PM, December 21, 2005, Blogger Nienke Hinton said...

I see you haven't posted in a long time. I hope this is because of good news!
Happy Holidays

At 3:52 PM, December 21, 2005, Blogger Robber Barren said...

No, alas, I am a new blogger...just importing posts from a private journal.


Speak up!

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