Monday, December 19, 2005

One Small Step...

Well, after a rousing game of phone tag that stretched over three business days and a weekend, we have an appointment (in February) at our chosen fertility clinic, with our chosen medical team, headed up by Dr. Q. Lucky for us, we have a PPO, and so will not need referrals from our primary care physicians. Lucky, I say, because I really don't want to go through the effort of telling my "everyday" doctor that I'm not going to let her prescribe Clomid for me.

The highlight of this phone call: the administrative assistant booking the appointment asked how long we've been trying to get me pregnant, and my response was, "eleven and a half months." I'm nothing if not painstakingly precise.

At 10:56 AM, December 28, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I just found you via persephone. I will probably end up mostly lurking, but I just had to comment about your FP - I was in a similar situation briefly (but about bc, not IF), and then decided that my Dr. (who I would run into in social settings) just didn't need to know certain things - I *like* my OB/GYN, she isn't Jewish, but has enough frum patients that I never need to explain stuff, and too bad if DH needed to go ask his own shailahs (instead of passing them through the frum Dr.)!

Best of luck, and may you quickly pass through this stage of life without too much heartache on the way.

If you want to virtually borrow some kids, feel free to consider mine :)


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