Friday, July 29, 2005

Cooking the Books

Past week's temps: Friday - 97.5 (on coverline); Sunday - 97.6 (coverline reset to 97.4); Monday - 96.8; Tuesday - 97.3; Wednesday - 97.5; Thursday - 97.6; Friday (today) - 97.7.

Let's see...if I tell Ovusoft to ignore Sunday's temperature (we were up late Saturday night?), it decides on its own to eliminate last Friday's by the Rule of Thumb (which is the stupidest made-up "rule" name ever)...and then if I put in a few days of "sticky" cervical fluid (I wasn't really tracking, and I told it to ignore CF anyway and just use temperatures but it won't listen)...if I do all that, it tells me that I ovulated on Tuesday.

Reasonable, yes?

Actually, looking at the chart it is rather reasonable. I'll probably undo the Sunday override next week, though, if my temp goes back down. Who knows?

Then again, my husband was kind enough to point out this morning that it doesn't really matter what the chart says; in two weeks, give or take, we'll know whether I ovulated. Pregnant or period - either way it would be good news for now.