Sunday, March 19, 2006

Day 14, u/s #2

Friday afternoon I received a call saying my estrogen was "low" and telling me I'd been scheduled for another ultrasound and blood draw at 7:45 AM Sunday. I got this information over voicemail, so I could not ask for the exact number on my estrogen. Oh well.

Yesterday, I had some mild cramping around my ovaries, first on the left and then on both sides. This progessed by evening into a stronger achiness throughout my lower abdomen, but nothing intolerable. Well, until Ezra tried cuddling with me when we got into bed...! It may have been a symptom of mild OHSS, or it may have been nothing - what do I know? It has mostly resoved today, so I'm not going to worry too much.

This morning we drove out to the Main Clinic, as our local branch is closed on weekends. I brought Ezra into the room with me, but this tech worked so fast (and without explanation) that he could barely make out anything in one area before she moved on to another. She also had me press down on various parts of my belly, which hurt quite a bit due to a combiination of swollen ovaries and gassiness. (The tech was kind enough to comment on the latter, as if she thought I'd eaten franks and beans last night specially for her benefit.) "Do you have polycystic ovaries?" she asked me, in just the same way you'd ask a five-year-old with grimy hands whether he'd really washed up for dinner. There were still no follicles of recordable size (12+ mm) on eiher ovary, and she felt the need to inform us that "with PCOS< the follicles can just take longer to grow." Or they can never mature at all, moron. I'm not looking to play Pollyanna here.

Thank you all for your helpful and encouraging comments. I have a pretty good feeling that this cycle is going to be a bust
