Monday, October 30, 2006

Still here...

It's been...two and a half months? Almost three months?'s been a long time. And somewhere in there I decided to switch to Blogger Beta, which completely messed up my template (if anyone can troubleshoot that annoying white bar separating the two parts of my backgroud picture, I'd be eternally grateful...oh dear, it's even worse in!) and made it a bit of a pain for me to comment on other Blogger my presence has kind of faded from the infertility blogosphere. Though I've been reading, really I have.

Y'all missed most of my second trimester. What's happened? Lots of ultrasounds. Lots of images of two healthy babies. Good numbers for my AFP screening. Weight gain finally on track (though I actually lost almost two pounds last week, which was a little disturbing). The return of my appetite, including my ability to eat poultry and beef. Many, many, many cute kicks.

I don't remember, did I mention here the first time I felt movement? It was at 14 weeks on the nose, which is very early, but I'm quite certain that's what I felt. Tiny, gentle, fluttery taps. It doesn't feel like that any more, it's all thumps and jabs and the occasional rotating lump. I'm not yet sure whether it's just baby parts I'm feeling, or perhaps balls and the like bouncing off the walls of my uterus-cum-squash-court. The kidlets are both oriented with their heads toward the lower left (stay head down, darlings!) and their feet toward the upper right, so the strongest movements all come from the same area. I expect to be nicely bruised by the time this pregnancy is through.

Oh, sciatica. Not terrible yet, not contant yet, but clearly nerve-pinching rather than just random lower back and leg pain. Though, fret not, I have that too.

A few days here and there when I overdid it and wound up with a bunch of (harmless, it seems) contractions. I have to remember that I can't spend five hours cooking without a break for so much as a glass of water.

Oh yeah - I'm not employed anymore. But it's more or less by choice, and not related to any health complications with the pregnancy. It just gives me more time to cook, you see. And to stare at the mountain of boxes in the future nursery (did I just say that?) and think about how nice it would be if I sorted through them and threw stuff away. And to nap.

And, no, we're not going to talk about the stress. Its nature has changed, but it has certainly not gone away. And that's all I'm going to say about it.

Go ahead, have your parades. I'm back, I think. I'll try to blog somewhat regularly at least through the end of the pregnancy. I wouldn't mind terribly if those of you with blogs would post a little mention that I've started writing again, or at least put me back on your sidebars if you've taken me off. That would be even better than a parade, maybe.

The comments problem should be fixed. The layout problem, obviously, is not.

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At 10:44 AM, October 31, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

So glad you're back and to hear all is going well with you and those babies!!

At 11:05 AM, October 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mine likes to jack me in the lungs and the ribs. I think it also thinks that it's fun to repeatedly kick box with the umbilical cord. It's such a weird feeling.

I'm glad you're back, and able to eat again. My appetite? Yeah, unfortunately, it returned two fold and I can't stop eating Halloween Candy.

At 11:11 AM, October 31, 2006, Blogger electriclady said...

Welcome back, babe. It's been way too quiet out here without you.

At 11:52 AM, October 31, 2006, Blogger Mindy said...

wow!!! time has sure flown... I cant beleive youre in the 3rd trimeser alrady!

At 3:46 PM, October 31, 2006, Blogger Lut C. said...

Well, well, look who we have here!
I'm very glad to hear all is well.

At 4:30 PM, October 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is GOOD to hear from you! Thank you for coming back to us. I am relieved all is well with the pregnancy.

At 11:38 PM, October 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't blog, but I was keeping up with you.. I was really hoping you would write again, I come to your site every couple of days just to see if you've updated.. I'm so very happy for you that all is going well!!

At 9:35 AM, November 01, 2006, Blogger moo said...

It works it works! Even yesterday, I still couldn;t comment. So glad you are back, Robber. We missed you..

At 8:43 PM, November 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, we're still totally in synch. And since you're in your third trimester, thank HaShem, I'm in mine too! yipppee! In my case, baby B is transverse right under the ribs and has managed to break a rib. both babies are quite active and I'm feeling everything you're feeling. PLEASE DON'T STAND FOR FIVE HOURS! That's a GREAT way to bring on BH Contractions. For me, sitting upright for over an hour brings on contractions-- incredible. I'll be watching your blog!

At 6:55 AM, November 07, 2006, Blogger Heather said...

Welcome back!! So glad to see that you're blogging again and that everything is going alright with the kidlets!!


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