Monday, June 12, 2006

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Really, there's nothing IF-related to report, and I feel kind of weird loading up this blog with early pregnancy symptoms. Especially since they haven't been so bad (yet). Except the fatigue....oh, the fatigue. I need a nap every afternoon, but the problem is that there's nowhere at work for me to take said nap, so instead I put my head down for a couple of minutes an dhope nobody notices, and then spend the next hour or so doing the most mindless work I can find (or, um, none at all) in the hopes that I'll have another burst of energy before the end of the workday. And there's the peeing, which isn't so terrible (it's not like they chain me to my desk) except during my hour-and-a-half (or longer) commute home every evening. But I'm surviving. Other than that, just a touch of nausea, and a strange aversion to most sweet foods.

Oh, and a crushing fear that whatever's been growing in there has stopped.

Ultrasound in seven days and eighteen hours. Not that I'm counting or anything.

On the other hand, there is something to see over at City Girl Tales: it appears that Electric Lady has done gone and gotten herself pregnant. Her second beta is tomorrow. Here's hoping for a wonderful number for you, my dear!

I guess there is something substantive to write. In response to an anonymous comment, I want to say that while my only demonstrated fertility problem is anovulation, I don't consider myself out of the woods yet, or even on equal footing with the typical fertile woman. PCOS carries with it a higher risk of miscarriage (which can be offset by metformin, but not unless you start it well before becoming pregnant), plus I have a history of miscarriage running up my maternal line, including first pregnancies for both my mother and my grandmother. So - yes, we've overcome a major hurdle, and it's wonderful to know that we can make me ovulate and we can get Ezra's guys partying with my ladies (and it's super-wonderful to discover that all in one cycle)...but there are still lots of unknowns out there.

And, just to say it again: thank you all so, so much for your congratulations and well wishes. It really means a lot to me.

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At 5:38 PM, June 12, 2006, Blogger electriclady said...

You are too sweet. Thanks for the shout-out. Counting down the days until your US!

At 5:48 PM, June 12, 2006, Blogger projgen said...

Think anyone would notice if you velcro-ed a pillow to your desk? For appearances, of course - those paperclip marks are a bitch.

At 5:52 PM, June 12, 2006, Blogger Lut C. said...

Yes to overcoming major hurdles! Keep it up. :-)

The miscarriage examples must be scary. I hope it's just sad coincidence.

At 6:18 PM, June 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

{hugs} may everyone stay put until the proper time (many many weeks from now). i have similar history (of multiple miscarriages, esp the first) in my family, and it is scaring me, and that alone could be the highest significant contributing factor as to why i'm not actively finding out if i have the same or not. well, tied with i'm not ready and i hold all of you in awe.

as for fatigue, i'm sorry -- i also suggest you make sure that all pens and markers are capped. i once woke at my desk with a difficult to remove (until i found a typist with nail polish remover) orange highlighter mark all over my forehead. my boss looked at me funny and i forget what i said... thankfully there were no clients around!

At 3:22 AM, June 13, 2006, Blogger Meg said...

..and people are always saying no new is good news right?.. Congratulations again, and best wishes for the ultrasound. (Oh no, that sounded totally like a gretting card)

At 10:25 AM, June 13, 2006, Blogger Thalia said...

Hoping that the wait for that ultrasound isn't too interminable. And hoping for you in general.

At 10:16 AM, June 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In asking you what I did regarding the anovulation and such, I was, one, earnestly asking so as to make sure I understood and, two, trying to help ease the fears you expressed regarding the pregnancy not progressing and causing something to go wrong with the pregnancy.

I now know that, with regard to the former, I in fact did not have all the pertinent information, and I realize that, with regard to the latter, I did quite a poor job of allaying your worries and may have instead called more attention to them because I did not consider the effect my questions would have were the answers to be nos rather than the yeses that I assumed.

For all of that, I am deeply, profoundly sorry. I hope you will forgive me.

And I thank you for so tactfully addressing what I wrote.

I sure am glad you posted.

At 11:46 AM, June 14, 2006, Blogger Robber Barren said...

Anon, I appreciate your apology, but it is totally not necessary! And I hope you didn't think my answer was snippy - it wasn't meant to be. If it helped you understand my situation better, and perhaps to understand somoene else's situation as well, then I am happy.

At 12:16 PM, June 14, 2006, Blogger Sami said...

I think works should allow for a nap time... wasn't life so much better when there was a nap time involved?

Fingers and toes and all that crossed for the u/s that is coming up...

At 3:35 PM, June 14, 2006, Blogger SS said...

I know what you mean... I also suffer from anovulation, and it makes me feel "just a little infertile", which I blogged about once... But, I've also suffered miscarriages, and am no longer innocent as far as that is concerned. So, it's an uncertain middle ground that we inhabit, but we do inhabit it, so we should be thankful for our blessings...

At 7:55 PM, June 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Robbie, for your appreciation of my apology.

No, I did not think what you wrote was snippy in any way at all; I thought it was tactful, patient, informative, and clear.

I hope I did not come across as defensive.

My apology is something for which you did not call, but that I felt was necessary.

I am thinking of you often.

At 10:01 AM, June 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No chance of napping on a public-transportation-commute? or sharing the ride with a co-worker?

Sorry - I can remember my profound gratitude that we were within 2 blocks of the last stop on the train line when I was expecting my first - here's hoping you'll find some good nap opportunities soon.

(hoping for other, bigger good stuff, too :-) )

At 1:24 PM, June 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very late good tidings for continued easy days of pregnancy. I didn't have many symptoms with P either except for the bone-crushing fatigue. I was lucky that my lab was upstairs from the library, so I could go down and nap on the couch in the middle of the day. The librarians snickered at me, but otherwise I would have fallen asleep in the middle of my cells or something.

Thinking of you for your u/s! Like I said, it's on our anniversary, so the date has a good history!

At 12:36 PM, June 16, 2006, Blogger Jen said...

So sorry for the delayed comment. For some reason, this post didn't pop up for me until now. Stupid Blogger.

I hope the pregnancy symptoms haven't gotten worse for you. Make sure you get plenty of rest...I've long given up any attempt at being productive at work!

Just a few more days until the ultrasound. I'll be thinking of you!


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