Sunday, May 21, 2006

2dpo: Can I test yet?

I'm joking. Of course I'm joking. But, seriously, I have to survive another eleven days of this? How do you people do this month after month after month? I mean, infertility sucks, but at least I never had this am-I-pregnant? uncertainty. It's driving me maaaaaaaaaad.

It doesn't help that the hCG and the progesterone both create symptoms that mess with your head. Within twelve hours of my trigger shot, my belly was bloated and my breasts were sore. And then the breasts went from merely sore to swollen and sore. And then nipples woke up, and they've been standing at attention ever since. Which would be bad enough, what with putting one bra and all of my snug shirts out of commission, but sensitivity is also way up...which means that pretty much anything that brushes against my nipples is bad, bad, bad. Including most of the rest of my shirts. And Ezra.

Oh, and I believe they've also been lit on fire. I think the ovaries, forced into work last week, are flaming them in protest.


At 8:51 AM, May 21, 2006, Blogger Sami said...

I'm truthfully not sure how we do this month after month... that whole two week wait crap is for the birds. I've come to the conclusion we need a sign... like a big P that shows up near our belly buttons that indicates yep it worked... wouldn't that be nice.

Hope the uhmm nipple fire is put down to a smolder rather than the flames you're dealing with... unless of course it's the real deal then flame away

At 10:25 AM, May 21, 2006, Blogger Keeping The Faith said...

I am right there w/ you. I'm 1dpo. I have the bloated and full belly, tender ovaries, swollen breasts, and hurting,fun,fun...

I enjoy your blog. It's nice to know we aren't alone w/ what we are going through. I hope you get your BFP. I'll be keeping an eye on you.

At 11:26 AM, May 21, 2006, Blogger PIJill said...

Well, I got through the two week waits by freaking out, bursting into spontaneous tears randomly when I saw small children, and overeating. Those might not be the most healthy of responses :)

As for the physical symptoms - those soft cotton undershirty things from Old Navy, and washed in Dreft, helped me immensely.

Good luck!

At 12:48 PM, May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know either. Bad television does it for me, but obviously that doesn't work 24/7. Just keep on blogging is the best advice I've got.

At 5:10 PM, May 21, 2006, Blogger Lut C. said...

You better keep it together! Since you're exactly half a cycle a head of me, you're my trail blazer, role model, etc.

So, I've added bloating, sore breasts & nipples to my checklist. Urge to POAS was already on it. ;-)

Fingers crossed for you.


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