Sunday, May 14, 2006


By way of explanation: the ultrasound showed pretty much no change since Friday: lots of little follicles on the left; multiple follicles on the right wih the biggest around 10 mm. And, um, the "fucking bitches" were my ovaries, or the follicles thereupon, not my readers. estradiol today was 173 - a pretty significant jump. My dose stays at 100 units at least until my Tuesday scan.

To those of you encouraging me to push for a higher dose: yes, I'm frustrated with the situation, and it would be lovely to see some real action down there, but jumping to a higher does is not the right move at this time. This is my first-ever injectibles cycle and we don't know how my body will respond. Combine that with PCOS (lots of follicles) and my relatively young age (under 30) and I'm a prime candidate for high-order multiples and/or OHSS. Those are not desired outcomes, not in the least. We are going to hold steady on the super-conservative protocol for at least this cycle, and if that means a frustrating month followed by no ovulation whatsoever, then so be it.

Doesn't mean I'm not allowed to get frustrated, though.


At 8:02 AM, May 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:15 AM, May 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the estradiol jump is a good sign. I think it's good to be conservative, but man, you must be frustrated (not like you're letting it show or anything!)

At 11:38 AM, May 15, 2006, Blogger Thalia said...

Thank goodness your oestrodiol jumped, that is a good sign. I completely understand the dosing thing. Plus, increasing the dose this late doesn't actually help, or so the docs tell me. Good luck.

At 12:20 PM, May 15, 2006, Blogger art-sweet said...

delurking to say, let those follies grow on their own time if you possibly can.

I donated my eggs to my partner.
They started me out super slow on stims because: 30, not obese, PCOSish... (lots of small follies, irregular cycles, but no other symptoms)

I didn't respond.
And didn't respond.
And then my e2 started slinking upwards.
But not fast enough so they upped the stims.

And then I wound up going from 100 something to over 5000 in a weekend.

And producing 32 frickin eggs.

Cluck, cluck.

That's just my 2cents.
Wishing you good luck...


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