Monday, May 08, 2006

HSG report

We're going to skip the part where we left my lunch out of the fridge overnight and I woke Ezra up to yell at him about it, and the subsequent part where I had to choose between gassing up the car or getting a latte on the way to work, and also the part where I got pulled into a meeting about ten minutes before I had to leave to get to the HSG appointment on time, and escaped said meeting about twelve minues later, and finally the part where I got lost leaving work (new job site) and idn't get on the highway until long after I thought I needed to in order to get to my appointment on time.

We'll skip all those parts, even though I wrote them in my head already, because I have a limited amount of time before the ibuprofen wears off and these cramps really kick in so: Nurse Patient performed my HSG, along with a radiologist and some assistant from, you know, the radiology place. True to her name, she was very patient, repositioning the speculum four times until it was as un-pinchy as possible. And then we got to the fun part where they flood the orchestra pit with dye, syringe worth of the stuff wasn't enough. So we move on to two and three, and somewhere in there I hear (and see...I could watch the monitor) that my left tube is clear. And I also hear Nurse Patient saying she's having trouble getting the dye to go in, and the radiologist saying that it still hasn't spilled out my right tube. Long story short: there's going to be a shortage of radioactive dye in my town, because we went through six or seven syringes worth of the stuff (half of which just spilled right out. All of this because I have a tilted uterus, apparently tilted enough that it was preventing Nurse Patient from getting most of the dye into it. In the end we managed to see a spill-out from my right tube, and I suspect there was also a small blockage there before, but obviously it's not there now. And I have a uterus that hangs upside down or something.

And a hell of a lot of cramps.

At 5:27 PM, May 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry about all the cramps and the tilting.. i'm tilted too which makes gyn visits all the more fun.

here's a {hug} for you... i don't yet understand the IF things you and everyone else is going through, but please know that all of you are in my thoughts.

At 5:45 PM, May 08, 2006, Blogger EJW said...

My former HSG buddy, I'm glad it went well (or as well as can be expected). Let's hope those clear, wide-open tubes do the trick.

At 6:11 PM, May 08, 2006, Blogger electriclady said...

Glad to hear that everything's clear. And oof, I hear you on the cramps. A few hours after my HSG (which similarly required a tankard of radioactive dye) I felt like I'd been kicked in the gut. Lots of ibuprofen and a heating pad, that's my recommendation.

At 7:57 PM, May 08, 2006, Blogger projgen said...

Oy, so sorry that you're cramping. Although, being so radioactive at the moment, I'm not surprised.

And may I suggest when you go for your IUI, you stand on your head? Definitely don't want anything spilling out then ;)

At 9:53 PM, May 08, 2006, Blogger Jen said...

Ugh, so sorry about the HSG cramps. Those were painful as hell for me and, if I recall correctly, a great deal of ibuprofen was consumed. Hope the cramps have subsided.

It sounds like your HSG was therapeutic as well as diagnostic, which is really great to hear. Here's hoping that those tubes of yours continue to stay nice and clear!


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