Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Mind Churns, The Heart Yearns

Dear, sweet, sassy Akeeyu needs your love. She and Sam found out today that Good Embryo died, probably about a week ago. I'm sure most of you have heard already, but just in case...

We finally had a conversation with Rabbi Spock last night. Well, more like I had a conversation, while Ezra listened in on an extension and made faces when I said something embarrassing. To him, I mean. Because there's nothing at all about this fertility treatment business that's embarrassing to me. Of course.

Short answers,* for those who care: (1) Schedule the HSG for day 2 or 3 of shiva neki'im (probably day 8-ish of my cycle, which I think will fall over a weekend, which may not be doable), switch to colored underwear for the rest of the seven days, and skip all remaining bedikot except for one on day 7 (cycle day 12 or 13 - are you still with me?) (2) Injections on Shabbat - no problem. (3) Well, one quasi-problem. Don't use alcohol pads, unless you can verify they are synthetic material. Instead, pour rubbing alcohol over the injection site and wipe it away with a tissue. (4) Ezra can give me the HCG shot, if necessary, when I am still niddah, if I am unable to do so myself and we cannot ask another woman to do so for me. "Cannot ask" apparently includes "we don't want to tell our friend the nurse that we're dealing with these issues." If he does this while I'm niddah, he should try to minimize contact with me, and wear latex gloves. Kinky! (5) IUI post-mikvah: no problem. Follow the semen-procural procedural hierarchy as discussed before. (6) If we find ourselves needing IUI before I go to the mikvah, it can be done, but call back for details.

Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?

Injectibles lesson and consult tomorrow. Five thousand hours of work to do and a shortened workday in which to do it. At least it'll be distracting...

* These are the answers to our questions. Please do not accept them as solutions for your own situation, and be sure to read the disclaimer in my sidebar.

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At 11:12 PM, April 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Akeeyu. I can't imagine their pain. I wish they didn't have to know it.

Good luck with the injectibles lesson, and with all of the fun of collection! It sounds like your rav is really a good resource for you.

At 11:01 AM, April 27, 2006, Blogger electriclady said...

Answers! We love answers! Good luck with the injectibles lesson today.

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but I'm curious--what is the reason that alcohol pads are a no-no during Shabbat?

At 11:57 AM, April 27, 2006, Blogger Jen said...

My heart goes out to Akeeyu. There's been so much pain in the blogosphere lately. I hope this sad streak ends soon.

I'm glad you finally got some answers from Rabbi Spock. Good luck with your lesson and consult tomorrow!

At 1:43 PM, April 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but I'm curious--what is the reason that alcohol pads are a no-no during Shabbat?

One of the Shabbat prohibitions is laundering, and as a related task, squeezing or wringing liquid from a natural fiber piece of material(e.g., cotton, wool, linen) is prohibited.

So a cotton pad soaked in alcohol would be a problem, but a tissue would (might?) not.


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