Friday, May 19, 2006

Swim, Buggers, SWIM!

I'd love to write a huge long post about every detail of our first IUI experience, but, really, what is there to write?

We will never understand why there's such a rush to get the sample to the clinic within 30 minutes of collection, since once you get there they make you sit around and wait before you fill out the proper paperwork to drop it off. It doesn't appear to have had any negative effect, though. The mini-analysis on Ezra's sample came back fine: good count, good motility.

Nurse Kid Gloves performed the actual insemination, and was in good cheer throughout. I mean, how can you complain about someone who not only warms the speculum, but does a test-touch against your thigh to make sure it's just right? Of course it doesn't matter how warm the damn thing is or how many times it gets readjusted; it still pinches like hell. But that was really the worst part. Nurse Glovely took a look and reported that flutes and violins were playing in the Orchestra Pit. Well, no, what she actually said was that I had plenty of good cervical mucous, but I'm allowing myself some liberties in translation. I didn't even feel the catheter going in, and was surprised at how quickly she declared the procedure "all done!"

Before the procedure, Nurse Glovely went over my progesterone dosing (one applicator worth of Crinone 8% each morning) and all follow-ups (consultation with Dr. Quixotic next Thursday, and beta on June 1). I asked The Question: When can I test at home? She recommended no earlier than the same day as my beta (which has already been moved up by a day), and reassured me that women do get false negatives. Nurse Glovely battled infertility herself, so she told me she knew how strong the urge was to pee on a stick...and confessed that she usually gave in. And as she slipped the catheter through my cervix, she piped up with, "This is the point where I usually thought to myself: Gentleman, start your engines!"

Really, how could I ever dislike this woman?

Last year I packed away a few pairs of pants that were a couple sizes too big for me. I'd lost about twenty pounds, but my practical side couldn't quite set them aside for donation yet. So they were packed into a bag and set aside for...oh, I'll admit it. For early pregnancy. As if.

After yesterday's bloating and on the advice in the comments that I may experience even more after the IUI, I asked Ezra this morning to see if he could find the bag of "fat pants." Luckily for me, he retrieved them in short order, and today I am comfortably filling out a pair of stretchy black slacks a good size (maybe two) bigger than usual.

I've also had a fair share of cramping since this morning, and I can't take any ibuprofen...but if this is the highest price I have to pay, I won't complain. Much.


At 2:34 PM, May 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for the IUI! Yes, swim well!

Did you really trigger early? Don't people who want to be very cautious against the risk of multiples trigger as you did, while those who would rather have a better chance of conception even with a higher risk of multiples would wait until more follicles were ready? If so, it seems more like you triggered during the earlier end of the range, but not "early."

Here's hoping that the one 16mm does the trick, no more no less!

There's no niddah issue currently, is there? Can you and Ezra engage in a nice "Shabbat mitzvah" for good measure?

Have a very restful Shabbat, and a good time at the wedding.

At 2:42 PM, May 19, 2006, Blogger x said...

I am so glad you found a solution that let you do the IUI and make it to your friends wedding. All the hoops you have jumped through, there has to be some bood news.

All the best, I'll be thinking of you. Have a great time on Sunday.

Hey - I am a bridesmaid next Saturday. Wanna have an ugly dress competition?

At 2:54 PM, May 19, 2006, Blogger electriclady said...

Sounds like everything went great! (Now I'm humming to myself, Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...)

At 3:09 PM, May 19, 2006, Blogger Robber Barren said...

Anon, per Rabbi Spock, there is no niddah issue post-IUI. Of course, poor Ezra may be exhausted by this point...

Jenny, my dress isn't that ugly, so you'd probably win...

At 4:36 PM, May 19, 2006, Blogger persephone said...

Also, bloating and cramping always puts one so in the mood, doesn't it? ;)

Well done all round. Hope you have a restful Shabbat.

At 4:58 PM, May 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swim, swim, swim! Don't be shy, boys, stop for directions if you need to - nothing is more important than finding the egg! Go, go, go!

At 5:07 PM, May 19, 2006, Blogger Lut C. said...

Crossing my fingers for you. I'm glad you could get it done before the weekend and the wedding. Have a good time!

At 6:59 PM, May 19, 2006, Blogger projgen said...

Make like Mark Spitz :) Yeah, let's see - between Ezra's being pooped, and you being bloated, crampy and wearing your "fat pants" (oh, I LIVED in my fat pants!) - I can't imagine either of you would be much in the mood!

All my little bits crossed ever so tightly for you!!

At 10:40 PM, May 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on boys, you can do it!

I wish I had been a cheerleader so that I could come up with some perfect cheer for you. Actually, I wish I could just come up with the cheer--I'm fine with never having been a cheerleader.

Will be thinking good thoughts for you. Enjoy the wedding!

At 9:30 AM, May 20, 2006, Blogger moo said...

Hey there and good luck with the IUI. You must love the fat pants. I have a couple pair of those myself....

At 7:11 PM, May 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck and may there be advanced swimmers abounding!

At 2:25 AM, May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely fabulous news, Robbie. It is interesting that you noted in your previous post that you can feel the difference b/t the pen and the trigger - I noted the same. Enjoy the wedding and my fingers are fervently crossed for you!


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