Wednesday, March 22, 2006

A Symphony of Symptoms

I had a decaf latte this morning. It tasted milk. But dirty. Maybe that's just psychological, because when coffee is in regular coffee form I can't tell the difference between regular and decaf. I really wish I hadn't learned that caffeine can interfere with ovulation. Dr. Quixotic said that one serving per day is fine, but now that I know this I feel like I have to limit myself to just the trace amounts in decaf. And maybe an occasional eight or ten ounces of Coke.

Did I mention that one of the reasons I like Nurse Patient so much is because she actually said the word "sex," rather than just calling it "relations?" Because, she did. And I love her for it.

So far, I have taken two or my five 100 mg doses of Clomid. I had a mild by nagging headache centered behind my left eye yesterday, and today I got snappish with a co-worker, and didn't even notice I was being rude until she pointed it out. I share my workspace with this colleague, so we chat all day and this little altercation left me feeling like shit (and tremendously remorseful). I told her a few weeks ago, vaguely, that "my doctor is switching my medication" and that mood swings and crankiness were potential side effects, but I'm not sure whether she even remembers. And, of course, she has no idea what medication it is, or that I'm undergoing fertility treatments, or even that Ezra and I are trying to have a baby.

I have, shockingly, lost a very little bit of weight since our first RE appointment five weeks ago. Not even really a measurable amount (and definitely less than five pounds). And my eating habits in these past few months have been terrible; I've been eating dessert and snacking far too oftn, and I've had little regard for portion size. My BMI is solidly in the middle of the healthy range (around 23.5). However, sadly, I'm plenty bloated, and look about five pounds heavier than when I weighed the same amount six months ago. I'm not entirely sure how that's possible - what am I bloatedwith? After all, water has weight!

Though I'm not officially charting anymore, I am trying to keep an eye on my cervical mucus. I don't think I shared this particular observation on the last go-round, but for some reason I got it into my head to start describing my CM in terms of musical instruments. The thick, lumpy, white stuff that came out after my third does of Clomid last time? That was a harmonica. The smoother, slightly stretchy, but still opaque stuff that came after the last dose? An oboe. Today, it appears that my vagina is shooting out French horns: not clumpy, but not smooth either. And thick, and not that much of it. According to the haphazard scheme I have set up in my head, we're aiming for flutes (clearer and thinner than the oboe) or, better yet, some string instruments.

I hereby dub my nether-regions: The Orchestra Pit.

Oh, and the ovarian pain (an achiness, which is a very weird sensation) is back.


At 9:16 PM, March 22, 2006, Blogger projgen said...

Um, who's conducting? ;)

I got really bloated as well, with no weight gain. Left me scratching my head.

Oh, and as a former caffeinated coffee addict, turned decaf coffee addict - you do eventually get used to the decaf taste. (And I would say you got a bad latte!)

At 10:19 AM, March 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah; have you gotten decaf latte from the same place before? Maybe their decaf is too weak. At home I'm lazy, and drink instant - 1/2 cup decaf with 1/2 cup milk (and sugar) so I can fool myself I'm drinking milk :) Strong it's fine, but when it's too weak, it tastes nasty. . .

At 4:56 PM, March 23, 2006, Blogger Heather said...

I remember taking myself from 4 Mt. Dew's per day to one... it was hell!! I still have just the one in the mornings, although I had not heard that it could interfere with ovulation. Now I'm going to be parinoid. Hopefully my 100mg of Clomid will work and I won't have to choose, because I REALLY like that one Mt. Dew!!

At 7:17 PM, March 23, 2006, Blogger Jen said...

I have yet to hear a doctor or nurse call it "sex." It's always called "intercourse," which I think is still better than "relations." That sounds like something your 80 year old grandmother would say.

Hope the side effects don't get much worse for you. The headaches were the most annoying for me, though wild mood swings came in as a close second.

At 10:16 AM, March 24, 2006, Blogger Robber Barren said...

Oh, Beth, I wish I knew!


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