Thursday, May 25, 2006

6 dpo: Who let Hope in the door?

We've met with Dr. Quixotic, and our financial coordinator. For both personal and financial ( coverage) reasons, we'll be doing a second Follistim/IUI cycle right after this one. If this one doesn't work, I mean. Didn't work. Whatever.

You know, I was all resigned to thinking that this one didn't work, and Dr. Q was appropriately realistic during our appointment...and then Nurses Kid Gloves and Space Cadet had to both be there on our way out and get all excited like "Ooooh! Test next week! Let's hope it worked! Glovely, you did the IUI, didn't you? Did you wear your lucky socks?"

Of course, it's not all their fault. I can also blame persephone (who's having her babies tomorrow! yay!) for getting my hopes up. See, I started having these weird crampy sort of pains. Lower abdomen, off to the side, just above the pelvic bone. And she had to get all, "Oooooh! I had round ligament pain during my 2WW the cycle I got pregnant!"

Backing's even worse than that. Yesterday morning I started feeling queasy on my way to work. I called Ezra mid-morning to tell him, and what was his response? "Really? Really? Like, you were feeling sick? In the morning?"

Hope, I'm not sure who invited you in for coffee, but right now I am asking you to leave. You can move out to the garage, where I can maybe think about you in passing just before I leave each day, and maybe for a moment or two as I come home, but that's it.

Back to the medical stuff. We reviewed my numbers from this first injectibles cycle. E2 on trigger day was 684. LH was in the 10-15 range some days, which is higher than Dr. Q would like to see. Not much else to comment on that hadn't been discussed earlier this month.

For the next cycle, I will start at 50 units of Follistim per day, starting on day 3 or 4 of the cycle (my choice, depending on what's convenient). I am to go in for a baseline ultrasound on the day of my first injection. I am also to go back on the metformin, gradually increasing from 500 mg to 1500 mg per day. The cycle will otherwise proceed as before: monitoring every other day or so with medication adjustments as needed, and an IUI approximately 36 hours after the trigger shot.

I know we started with the most recent Follistim cartridge on May 15, so I should be able to still use the same cartridge for the first few injections. (It's good for 28 days from first piercing.) Hey, it helps to save a few pennies wherever you can, right?


At 5:08 PM, May 25, 2006, Blogger electriclady said...

Ah, Hope, that pushy bitch. Tell you what, I'll let her crash on my couch for the rest of your 2ww if you'll take her off my hands for mine. (Which is my awkwardly metaphorical way of saying I really do hope this cycle is it for you, Robbie.)

At 6:11 PM, May 25, 2006, Blogger projgen said...

Ooh, lucky socks and Hope on the couch. Er, garage. Um, not too comfy, is she?

Good to have a backup plan! (but I truly um, hope, that you won't need it!)

At 7:20 PM, May 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope isn't such a terrible thing, is it? I mean, if we didn't all have some hope, we wouldn't put ourselves through all of the hellacious infertility treatments. Hope is what keeps us going. So have a little hope. It's okay. And if you hope is dashed this time, scrape it together and save it for next time. Sooner or later, it will pay off!

At 9:00 PM, May 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope is evil. That's why I call it The Optimism Bug, so that I can envision squashing it like the insect it is. It's so damned hard to "scrape it together each cycle", as Lucy put it, that I just try to keep it out as much as possible. Otherwise, it would be that much harder when the cycle is for naught.

Now that I've been totally depressing, I'm really hoping that this is it for you (it's OK if I'm hoping for someone else), that this cycle is the only one where you need to use that Follistim, and that you're soon posting about nice, high beta numbers. When is your test?

At 11:32 AM, May 26, 2006, Blogger Lut C. said...

I'm expecting Hope to start burning down the house here soon.

A bit akward to have an evaluation appointment before you know what's what. Setting up plan B does have it's benefits, if only to ease your mind.

Crossing my fingers for you.

At 3:23 PM, May 26, 2006, Blogger YouGuysKnow said...

i love that you have a plan for the next cycle. personally, i think this is a great idea. and hopefully you won't need it.

hope. why the hell not.


At 8:17 AM, May 29, 2006, Blogger Thalia said...

I'm all for keeping Hope in the garage. Just far enough away that you know she's there, but she's not near enough to let you get carried away.

One word about symptoms. They mean nothing. Try not to read too much into it, no matter how hard it is.

Not long to go.


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