Friday, November 17, 2006


I'm twenty-eight weeks pregnant.


It's not the end of the road, not even close. Julie just posted about the goal of making it to thirty weeks, and her links and comments are full of stories of what happens (or can happen) to premies and micropremies. Even thirty weeks is way, way too early; I'd like to make it to thity-six, or, when I'm feeling greedy, thirty-eight. (I imagine with twins I have almost no hope of going to forty, nor will I particularly want to purely from a comfort perspective. That said, if I get to gestate my children all the way until their due date, I will be extraordinarily grateful. Sweaty as a pig, but grateful.)

Twenty-eight weeks is special to me, though, because I have not one, not two, but three friends all born around this gestational age.* All were born in the late 1970s, when NICU technology was not quite what it is today. And all are just fine. Sure, each of them is probably a tad shorter than she would have been had she made it to full term, but all are within a normal height range. One has a scratchy voice due to underdeveloped vocal cords at birth, but it just gives her a leg up if she ever wants work on a phone sex hotline. Another is particularly sensitive to cold, but it's nothing a sweater (or a good coat) won't fix. I suppose none of us will ever know whether, if born at forty weeks, one of these women would have possessed brilliance to outshine the sun, but I assure you that even now they are all quite intelligent, and have spectacular personalities to boot. I'd be delighed to have any one (or two) of them as my daughter. Of course, seeing as they're all older than I am, that would be weird (though, to be fair, one was conceived after I was and just, as I've said, came out too early).

Twenty-eight weeks is also the last pre-term weight goal in Dr. Barbara Luke's tome on multiples pregnancies. I missed my two previous goals, gaining only six pounds (instead of ten) by ten weeks and only twenty-one pounds (instead of twenty-five) by twenty weeks. I am delighted to say that, as of today, I have put on just over thirty-nine pounds (the goal was thirty-eight). It's not all belly, but I'm carrying it pretty well - if I do say so myself. I should, ideally, pack on another ten pounds or so before I deliver. With my stomach squished up as it is, this is more challenging than it sounds, but I think I can pull it off if I really try.

* I think I may have one of their gestational ages off by a week or two, which I know makes a huge difference, but I can't really ask her just now. Plus, I like the way this reads.


At 10:31 AM, November 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a blogger I know who's a twin. Her mother was two weeks LATE with them. They were like 7 or 8lbs EACH. So it's possible. (but I'm so not wishing you go late. I'd only wish that on people I really hate and I dig you) I hope you make it to 37 weeks. 37 is a good number. Especially for twins.

I cannot BELIEVE you're 28 weeks already.

At 10:35 AM, November 17, 2006, Blogger Erin said...

I know several Bradley teachers who've had twins post-EDD, so it's definitely possible. Like Statia said, they tend to be the size of singleton babies--except there are TWO of them.

Oh, and another 10 pounds? No problem. (Ha ha, just kidding.) I gained 44 with P and he was born 2 1/2 weeks early. Had I gone past dates, I probably would have been 50+. For a 6 lb 11 oz baby. Just one. Yipes.

At 11:08 PM, November 17, 2006, Blogger EAB said...

28 weeks is wonderful -- and with no complications thus far, right? I'm hoping you and the babies stay healthy.

I started being really freakin' miserable around the 34-week mark, probably because I knew they wouldn't stop labor after that point. I felt like such a whiner at the end, because I should've been so grateful to make it that far, but the physical demands were horrendous. Honestly, I really was grateful, deep down -- I think my girls would've had NICU time if they'd been even a few days earlier -- but it was so hard to focus on that, under all the discomfort and the hugeness.

A lot of my misery probably had to do with the 20 (!) pounds I gained in the last two weeks. I struggled with losing weight from about 28 weeks, thanks to terrible heartburn and stomach squishage, but I started swelling really horrendously at 34 weeks. At this point, don't worry too much about the weight gain, or lack thereof. As long as you're eating as nutritiously as possible, you're fine -- the babies' growth is more a function of your and their overall health.

At 12:09 PM, November 19, 2006, Blogger Thalia said...

A friend in the UK just had twin boys who were over 8 lbs each at term. Not to scare you or anything...

Glad to hear that things are ok.

At 3:37 PM, November 20, 2006, Blogger electriclady said...

28 weeks! 39 lbs! Congratulations!

It's so weird how each day, each week, until you hit the big milestones is like crawling through the desert on your belly--and then suddenly you look back and you've crossed the Sahara. How did that happen?!?

At 3:01 PM, November 21, 2006, Blogger x said...

Congratulations on making it this far. It is a huge milestone to hit 28 weeks. I know that I'll be happy to get hit that date. I hope the next 10-12 weeks goes by quickly and easily.

At 12:03 PM, November 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay, 28 weeks! I'm at 28 weeks with my twins and have only gained 16 pounds can you believe it? oy! I DO have gestational diabetes--- I'm on daily ketone tests, insulin shots, and blood sugar tests. fun stuff. But more importantly, my cervix has shrunk from 3.3 down to 1.6! So I'm on strict bedrest. Here's hoping your cervix is longer than mine and you can keep going a bit longer!!! They WERE hoping to get me to 34 weeks but now 30-32 is seeming more likely.... I'll be a NICU mommy. Praying for your babies and mine! Keep on baking them nicely!

At 5:41 PM, November 28, 2006, Blogger Lut C. said...

Exciting times! Hang in there


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