Monday, January 08, 2007

Oops! I Did It Again

Two and a half weeks? Sorry. Didn't mean to leave y'all hanging. (You know, the four of you who still read this thing.) I'm still here, still pregnant. I've had a whole bunch of contemplative posts rolling around in my head, and I guess that in the process of half-writing all of them (internally), it somewhat slipped my mind that I hadn't bothered to actually post anything. It's too much to put all in one post, and I don't think I can live up to a promise to get them all out there, so let's vote. Which of the following topics would you most like me to post about by, say, Wednesday evening?
  • Why, even at 35 weeks and change, I'm still worried about losing these babies

  • Going to the mikvah in the ninth month of pregnancy

  • Doula + epidural: are we crazy, or do we just like to burn money?

  • Laundry list of complaints, and how I get myself to shut up about (almost) every one

  • Whacked-out priorities, or: why my children will be sleeping in the living room

  • mean they don't come with off buttons?

Pick one or two. I'll try to get something up by Wednesday evening. And I have another OB appointment tomorrow, so there will (I hope) be an update on the medical front within twenty-four hours or so...

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At 9:54 PM, January 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you!

It's understandable that you'd continue to be worried. I hope you didn't have to go to mikvah for a frightening reason. By getting yourself to shut up about complaints, do you mean you actually have a way of getting yourself to be less upset about various issues?

May everything go well.

At 4:52 AM, January 09, 2007, Blogger Rachel Inbar said...

I'd go for whatever you feel would be most therapeutic. As for the mikvah, I went in my 9th month all but the last time (when I was sent to be induced & didn't get a chance). It felt special at the time, but now I feel kind of ambivalent about it... I'd be interested to hear your feelings.

At 2:31 PM, January 09, 2007, Blogger Lut C. said...

I want to hear about your worries and the plan to have a doula and an epidural.

But any other subject is fine.

Glad to hear you're doing well.

At 2:41 PM, January 09, 2007, Blogger miriamp said...

Ooh, tough call! Umm, the first one, since I can respond to most of the others:

Going to mikvah in the ninth month... never bothered myself. Don't have an opinion on it one way or the other.

Doula + epi... makes sense to me. Whether you've basically been told you must have one (in case of complications, ch"v) or you just intend to have one, a doula may still be useful. Maybe with twins it's different, but getting them to admit me in the first place was always a hassle ("not dilated enough, come back later") and you can't get the epi until they admit you! Then they sometimes have a dilation cut-off they won't give it before, (like 5?) and sometimes the anesthesiologist is busy and you have to wait, sometimes it takes a while to take effect, sometimes it doesn't quite work all the way, sometimes it wears off... I'd bring the doula.

Complain away, even if you don't feel like you're entitled. never met a pregnant woman who was completely comfortable.

Priorities... nonsense, won't they be in your bed with you? Umm, I mean, not officially, of course, but one or both will probably wind up there anyway, unless your husband stands over you waiting to put them back, because you'll be too tired to bother. trust me. (Co-sleepers are a good thing)

Sorry, no off buttons. If you discover how to have those installed safely, LET ME KNOW!!! Even just a mute button would be useful.

Finish line is in sight, Robbie, hang in there! (and B'sh'ah Tova!)

At 3:09 PM, January 09, 2007, Blogger Ms. Perky said...

I'd like to hear the first two. And it looks like you've still got a lot of readers. :)

I can't believe you're already at 35+ weeks!

At 4:32 PM, January 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just went to the mikvah at 19 weeks and that felt strange. I hoped to go back in my 9th month, so I wouldn't mind reading your thoughts.

And the worry one. I always feel like sharing worry innoculates against it happening.

At 5:03 PM, January 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are going well!
Clearly, write what would feel best to you. But if you really want my input: i'd like "priorities", and as a second - off buttons...

At 5:07 PM, January 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

#s 2 and 3 are my vote. Glad to hear that you and the babies are doing well.

At 5:37 PM, January 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad all is well. you have my little tefillah for all to remain well.

At 7:17 PM, January 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh, so many interesting subjects! I'll pick the mikva one, or the whacked out priorities, just for fun.

I've had so many people tell me they davened for me when they went to the mikvah their 9th month, and I'm like, whatever. I mean it's nice that they're thinking of me, I just don't believe in that segula. Well, most segulas. I'm also not sure what the point of going in the 9th month is - is it good luck? Is it to ensure that the mother is tahor, so the baby is born from a ritually pure mother? Does pregnancy make a woman tamei? Because, presumably, if you follow taharat hamishpacha, then you didn't have the sex that got you pregnant until after the mikvah *anyway*...

Um, yeah, so I guess your thoughts on that subject would be interesting ;)

Hope you're feeling well, in spite of the worries.

At 7:18 PM, January 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I poke this kids habitat on a daily basis and I'm sure it's none too happy.

"Hello? Baby? Are you still alive in there?"

I don't like it when fetus gets too quiet.

It's like waiting for the other shoe to drop for 40 very long weeks.

At 12:39 PM, January 10, 2007, Blogger Pat said...

Am I in time to vote for the last 3?
Ah, who am I fooling? I'll take whatever you have to offer.

You're almost there!!!


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