Friday, March 24, 2006

Now With Choral Accompaniment

I know you tried to warn me, ladies, but even given my last experience with its mood altering qualities, I wasn't prepared for the full onset of Clomid Rage last night. It did not help matters that this happened on a Thursday night, when I'm cooking for Shabbat (even though we're having a very low-key week: just us tonight and just two guests on Saturday). I can't even remember all the details, but there was much screaming involved. And storming out of the room. And slamming of doors and banging of dresser drawers and kicking of furniture. And then the tearful presentation to Ezra of these little cinnamon puff thingies I'd made with leftover dough from one of the other recipes. I think (though I'm not sure) that this was all set off by Ezra being a couple of minutes too slow in emptying the dishwasher.

And I think now I know why my throat hurts this morning. I hope I didn't scare any of our neighbors.

The ovarian achiness has disappeared, so now I'm worried that this means my ovaries aren't working at all. The headache comes and goes, always centered near my left eye and temple. My eyes have also been very itchy this morning, for no discernable reason - I haven't been around any allergens...though I just realized that it's not too early for allergy season after all, so maybe that's all it is. I've lost all tolerance for jokes, which has made for a miserable morning.

Also, those random floaters and stars that everyone gets in their field of vision from time to time? Mine have been a bit more...pronounced. Not more frequent, really, but the other day after I tried to read my shirt label (while still wearing said shirt) I saw bright yellow stars for a full minute, whereas in the past I think they would have twinkled away in a few seconds. I don't think it's anything to worry about yet, but I'm going to, um, keep an eye on things.

A little confession: I'm drinking tea this morning. Caffeinated. But I only let it steep for a few minutes and I threw the teabag away afterwards rather than letting it sit in the cup forever like I usually do. There's just no way I can recover from last night and this morning (no screaming, but plenty of tears) without a bit of The Drug.

From the Orchestra Pit: yesterday, oboes and trumpets; today, oboes and trombones. Could we maybe stay away from the brass for a bit, guys?


At 10:56 AM, March 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're supposed to call your dr if you start having visual disturbances. Might want to do that, just to let them tell you not to worry.

As far as the mood swings go, I can relate with the best of them. I'm so happy to finally be almost done with them, as the side effects are far fewer 2 weeks after finishing the Clomid.

Shabbat Shalom!

At 1:20 PM, March 24, 2006, Blogger persephone said...

Um, what Erin said. Let the doctor tell you if it's nothing to worry about, okay? It's on the list of "call right away"s.

Man, I hope you don't have to take this lovely drug too many times.

At 2:46 PM, March 24, 2006, Blogger Linda said...

I concur with the rest of the crowd...definitely call the doctor. Sometimes floaters and stars are caused by blood in the eye and we know that Clomid carries an increased risk of blood-related disorders because it's hormone based. Staying hydrated should help some, too.

In the mean time, sorry to hear about the mood swings. :-( If it helps I bit sarge's head off last night because when he got me ice cream from DQ it was TOO BIG. And I'm not even on clomid. At least you know you'll get back to normal someday!

Shabbat Shalom (even though you might not see this until after Shabbos.)

At 1:05 AM, March 26, 2006, Blogger Heather said...

Oh thank goodness I'm not the only one who has the stars!! I didn't mention them because I thought maybe I was just going crazy!! It's good to know it's not just me.


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